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Premium Scientific Editing

For High Impact Journal Publications


Peer reviewer to check the quality of article for high impact factor journals like Springer, Elsevier..,


Suggest editing & formatting based on high impact factor journal index


Experienced editor with 15+ years in editing & publications


Helping to publish 200+ articles monthly


Save time & effort with our multiple level of editing services

Synopsis Editing

Presenting a better synopsis will sanction your research easily. The rejection of each synopsis is caused by its presentation. We support the editing of your synopsis to highlight your objective and scope and format as per the university norms and customize it as per your needs.

Case Report Editing

Most novel research is developed under a wide area of case studies conducted and demands case reports with clarity and fast propagation of concepts. Our case editing service will eliminate the unsolicited entities in the cases and make clear to the researcher and ensures that your manuscript is well written in English, style formatting, and organized to writing norms.

Manuscript Editing

Our manuscript editing throughout check and deliver a well-written, perfectly formatted manuscript with high-quality editing with sentence construction, grammar, readability improvements and accuracy of terminology that meets global publication standards.

Peer Review & Revision

With this service, we evaluate with our experts to review your paper and eliminate major reasons for manuscript rejection through comprehensive and objective evaluation so that you can improve your manuscript to avoid rejection after submission. Our collaborative reviewers from major high-impact journals, maximize your chances of receiving favourable comments from journal editors.

Abstract Editing

The presentation of the abstract section will attract the reviewer of a journal to take a proper decision on your article. We help to achieve it by following the journal norms, the word count of the abstract is edited and highlighted with the scope and core idea of the research conducted.

Literature Review Editing

Our literature editing service will enhance your literatures for research, websites, magazines, journals and articles by eliminating grammatical, typographical, and consistency errors and improving clarity, readability, and overall language quality by using terminology appropriate subject matter. Also ensuring that the tone and style are used accurately using suitable writing conventions.

Thesis Editing

We support editing in your thesis dissertation and meet the highest academic standards with flawless academic language by checking and correcting sentence construction, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. We also ensure that the thesis study should have the consistency & accuracy of terminology in your subject area.


Our proofreading services will cross-check the camera-ready manuscript for any changes leading to grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors and writing consistency. We also ensure the published article is well-written and the affiliation of the author attached in the article is up to the mark before the final version gets online.


Papers Edited


Clients Served

10+ Years

Experience In Editing Services

Our R&D comprises PhDs, MDs, postgraduates, engineers, and even journal peer reviewers and editors who are more effective in most of the subject areas and capable of solving your publication requirements.

We Work With Premium Brands

We work with most premium professional brands for improving the quality of our work. With the aid of those tools, the quality and quantity of the service are enriched and standardized to the top-notch level.

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Plagiarism Checking & Removal

Plagiarism is a important cause for rejection in journals. We use a premium plagiarism tool for reducing plagiarism in the research journal and improvise the novelty by reducing the plagiarism level below 3%.

Choose Your Own Custom Service

Abstract Editing


Word Count: 1000

Case Report Editing


Word Count: 5000

Manuscript Editing


Word Count: 5000

Peer Review & Revision


Article Count: 1

Journal Editing & Formatting


Article Count: 1

Journal: Any High Indexed Journals/Article

Synopsis Editing


Word Count: 3000

Literature Review Editing


Word Count: 5000

Thesis Editing


Word Count: 15000

Plagiarism Checking & Removal

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Word Count: 5000

Proof Reading


Article Count: 1

*Disclaimer: All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) of journals / publishers, etc. referred to on this website remain the property of their respective owners. Use of third-party trademarks does not indicate any affiliation, sponsorship with or endorsement by them. Any references to third-party trademarks are to identify the corresponding services and shall be considered fair use under The Trademarks Law. We are not implying that purchasing this service will ensure publication in any journal.

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